if you like mango, you will love this!
we are not used to exotic flavours like mango, so it was nice to cook something new and "unusual". the jasmin green tea goes perfectly with the mango, and stays quite sublte.
the bottom cake is what we call a dacquoise, a soft and airy cake made from ground almonds and egg whites. it is mainly used as a base in some desserts.
as you can imagine, there are no crunchy element in this cake, except for the roasted pistachios. it is a kind of spongy and creamy cake, but not stodgy at all!
we found this recipe (from the french patissier Sébastien Bouillet) in a french cooking magazine, and we adapted it. we moslty reduced the amount of sugar, because if your mango is ripe and sweet, you shouldn't need a lot of it. so needless to say it's essential in this recipe to use a ripe mango!
the recipe can be quite scary, as it is quite long, but it's honeslty not that hard to make. and as you can see you don't need that much ingredients, which is great!
there are some technical terms we weren't sure how to translate, so we hope everything will be clear to understand!
for one medium cake:
adapted from fou de pâtisserie magazine
for the pistachio dacquoise:
100 g ground almonds (almond powder)
50 g icing sugar
15 g flour
4 egg whites
20 g caster sugar
2 tbsp roasted chopped pistachios
for the jasmin green tea whipped cream:
300 g whipping cream
1 tbsp green jasmin tea
60 g mascarpone
30 g icing sugar
1 ripe mango
the day before:
place liquid full cream in a bowl and add jasmin green tea. leave all night in the fridge so that the tea flavors the cream.
the d-day:
preheat to oven to 190°C (370 F).
prepare the dacquoise: mix together ground almonds, icing sugar and flour.
in a bowl, whisk the 4 egg whites with the sugar until they form soft peaks. careful not to overbeat them. they should have what we call a texture "bec d'oiseau", which means they should form a kind of beak shape at the end of the whisk attachment of your stand mixer.
carefully fold in the ground almonds/icing sugar/flour mixture using a rubber spatula.
cover a baking sheet with greaseproof paper, as well as a cake ring. place the cake ring on the baking sheet.
place the egg whites/almond mixture into a pastry bag, and pipe rounds on the bottom edge of the cake ring. pipe then the mixture in circle to cover evenly the inside of the cake ring.
spread pistachios on the surface.
bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
leave to cool completely, and remove carefully the greaseproof paper.
prepare the mango: slice it in half lengthwise around the middle seed. take off the skin and remove the flesh in slices. using a round cutter, cut a small round in a slice, and save it for the decoration (it will become the middle of the cake). cut the rest of the mango in small cubes.
place the mango cubes on the surface of the dacquoise.
prepare the whipped cream: filter the cream to remove the tea. place it in a bowl, and add mascarpone and icing sugar. whip the mixture into whipped cream. again, careful not to overbeat it, otherwise it will not be homogeneous, and it will have small holes in it (like on the picture, where we did overbeat the cream a little...!).
using a pastry bag, pipe the whipped cream from the edge to the center of the cake.
place the mango round in the middle.
piece of advice:
if you don't have a cake ring, just cover a round baking pan with greaseproof paper, and remove the cake from the pan very gently after baking